
Tiny Pup, The Last Survivor Of Her Litter, Found Struggling Alone On The Road & He is Sad

A little puppy was found in the streets in serious need of help. The poor girl was dehydrated and parasite ridden all while fighting mange and tick bite fever. Fortunately, she would be rescued on an outreach program and taken in by Sidewalk Specials to get the care she so desperately needed, writes ilovemydogsomuch

As the last puppy alive of her litter, she needed a miracle in order to not end up like the others. The dog was taken to the hospital for treatment where she was surrounded by love and people who care for the first time in her life. And it did the trick!

Today, Twiglet has a loving mom and dad who are teaching her how to be a pet in her amazing forever home! The pup is living it up and thankful she’ll never find herself alone in the world ever again.


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