
Pit Bull starved & chained to radiator for 6 months, eats snow thinking it’s food

Lucky, a young Pit Bull, had the most neglectful owners who didn’t even have the decency to find him an alternate home, writes ilovemydogsomuch

They simply chained him to a radiator for over 6 long months in the cold winter, and barely ever fed him.

Over the months, Lucky withered away into a mass of skin and bones. Someone heard Lucky’s cry for help and informed “AMA Animal Rescue”, who rushed in to save the dying pup. The rescuers were moved to tears as they witnessed Lucky devour his first bowl of food in weeks.

When the rescuers took Lucky out for a walk, the first thing he did was eat the snow. The poor baby was so starved that everything looked like food to him. The shelter staff promised to never let him go hungry again.

Lucky was moved to a foster home where he flourished under the gentle love and care from his family and other canine siblings. It is amazing to see Lucky greet every human with hugs and cuddles, even after the abuse he has gone through.

Today, he lives with his loving and responsible forever family in Brooklyn, NY. They make sure to take him to a nearby park every day, so that he never feels the suffocation of a confined existence ever again. Seems like Lucky has indeed turned out to be one lucky dog!

Click the video below to watch Lucky’s heart-touching rescue and his happy moments in his new forever home!


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