
Dog Who Was Forced To Fight All Her Life Found Alone And Covered In Scars

Willa the Pit Bull was found all alone and neglected on the streets, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She was covered in scars and infected wounds as a result of a lifetime of dogfighting. She apparently escaped her abusive owner and brutal past but now had nowhere to go and didn’t trust anyone.

Rescuers found the sweet girl and tracked her microchip which led to the sad information about her past. Despite the cruel treatment and abuse and being used as a bait dog for the dogfighting, she was very loving underneath her hesitation and distrust.

The friendly Pit Bull would go on to a foster home and begin to learn what it’s like to live as a normal dog while healing physically and emotionally. The second chance at life would eventually mean a loving forever home with the family she’d always deserved!


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